Savings Accounts
Savings Account Options for Any Goal
- Features
- 3 free teller withdrawals per month
- Unlimited ATM withdrawals
- Active Regular Savings account required for membership
Avoid FeesMake no more than 3 in-person or by-phone (through our Member Relations Center) withdrawals per month, or use your SCU ATM Card to make withdrawals. After this, a $5.00 fee per withdrawal will be charged in a calendar month.
- Features
- Up to six pre-authorized third party withdrawals or transfers per month
Avoid FeesThere are no fees associated with this account.
- Features
- Open to SCU members 17 years of age and younger
Avoid FeesMake no more than 3 in-person, or by-phone withdrawals (through our Member Relations Center) per month. After this, a $5.00 fee per withdrawal will be charged in a calendar month.
- Features
- Deposits can be made through payroll deduction, in person, online, or by Telephone Teller
- Account balance transferred to personal savings in mid-October
Avoid FeesWait for your account balance to automatically be transferred to your savings or checking account in mid-October.
- Features
- 3-60 month terms
- Rates may vary by term length
- Make additional deposits of $250 or more anytime
Avoid FeesMake no withdrawals or withdraw funds at certificate's maturity date.
- Features
- $100 opening deposit
- 12-month term
- Additional deposits of at least $25 anytime
- Dividends credited and compounded quarterly
Avoid FeesMake no withdrawals or withdraw funds at certificate's maturity date.
State Credit Union is a safe place to keep your money.
Your deposits in State Credit Union accounts are automatically insured by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the United States Government.
Individual depositors are insured up to $250,000 each.
The NCUA insures every individual depositor up to $250,000 in the unlikely case the credit union fails. Joint account holders are also insured up to $250,000 each. For example, an account with two joint account holders is insured for $500,000 separately from each of the account holder's individual accounts. IRAs are insured separately from other accounts and for up to $250,000.