Telephone Security
Tips to help you maintain your security over the telephone.
- We will not call you to ask for your social security number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other confidential information. We have this information on file. If you have any concerns about a call you received, hang up and call us at 800-868-8740, option 5.
- When you call us, we WILL ask for identifying information to make sure we only provide your account information to you.
- Do not provide your Telephone Teller login information to anyone.
- Use voice commands with Telephone Teller only when you are alone or in private. You should still choose to enter your login information with the keypad. Telephone Teller will give you this choice and then allow you to continue with voice.
- Do not set up a phone contact or speed dial for Telephone Teller that includes your login information.
- Do not use the same PIN for Telephone Teller that you use for your debit or credit cards, or for your MySCU Mobile app; we recommend you change your PIN periodically.
- If you use SCU Online exclusively to access your accounts and no longer use Telephone Teller, ask us to close your Telephone Teller access.
- If you receive an unfamiliar voice mail or text message on your phone asking you to call an unknown number regarding your credit card, debit card or other account, do not respond. We only send text messages that you establish yourself through SCU Online.
- SCU security text messages will come from a six-digit number; not from a cell phone number or email address. If you receive a text message or phone call you are unsure of, please contact us at 800-868-8740.